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“Co-Active Coaching”

Wednesday, 07 January 2015 by

by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, Laura Whitworth- from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) : 2 Free Book Chapters When Co-Active Coaching was released in 1998, this pioneering work set the stage for what has become a cultural and business phenomenon and helped launch the profession of coaching. Required reading in many professional development


Bounce Back Big in 2015

Wednesday, 07 January 2015 by

New eBook by Sonia Ricotti- with comments by Bob Proctor, of the well-known Proctor Gallagher Institute: “Sonia’s phenomenal training, programs and webinars have helped millions of people around the world create extraordinary lives beyond their wildest dreams” “Learn once and for all how to overcome the challenges life has thrown at you, and quickly and


CHRONUS – Mentoring Software Tools

Monday, 22 December 2014 by

  Founded by a team lead by Vellore “Vetri” Vetrivelkumaran, CEO , Chronus mentoring software tools empower mentoring, coaching, and continuous learning initiatives by combining cloud-based software and program best practices to provide a complete talent development solution. Chronus’ talent development solutions, including Chronus Mentor, Chronus Coach, and Chronus Learn, are used by more than 500,000 professionals worldwide

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Monday, 22 December 2014 by

CoachingCloud is an online platform for Coaches and Mentors to: develop their own skills and competencies with their Buddy Coaching System to manage the principle aspects of their business in a highly professional manner Their site clearly publishes various rates for using the platform depending on whether you are an Individual, an Enterprise growing your

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Are You Stealing From Yourself?

Friday, 19 December 2014 by

from Todd Henry’s Accidental Creative: This podcast is about the 3 core responsibilities of a creative pro, and how small actions in any one of them can lead to eventual brilliance, or decline. It’s easy to forget the compounding effects of small things done well and consistently, or the cumulative degenerative effects of small things


from Deloitte University Press: by John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Alok Ranjan & Daniel Byler Up to 87.7 percent of America’s workforce is not able to contribute to their full potential because they don’t have passion for their work. Less than 12.3 percent of America’s workforce possesses the attributes of worker passion By cultivating