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by Seth Godin Seth is the author of 17 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. You might be familiar with his books Linchpin, Tribes, The


by Elaine K. Harding, PHD Elaine is passionately committed to guiding authentic leaders, heart-centred entrepreneurs, conscious business owners and social-change agents to value and grow their unique identity, vision and skills so they can fulfil and live their highest potential. This is an original, thorough and creative tool to engineer a truly authentic and meaningful


What Self-Made Billionaires Do Best

Tuesday, 03 February 2015 by

25% of self-made billionaires were fired from established companies early in their careers.They don’t just generate results. They produce breakthroughs. by John Sviokla and Mitch Cohen- for Strategy + Business Magazine Habits of the Producing Mind: As a rule, large organizations do a poor job of distinguishing between high-profile roles that require a top professional


Seth Godin, It’s Your Turn, Now What?

Monday, 02 February 2015 by

from the popular James Altucher Show podcast: Seth tells James that he had to write his new book What To Do When It’s Your Turn because he had no choice. It’s about what’s holding you back, that voice in your head that pushes you to be mediocre or pushes you to hide. “It pushes us


Change leader, Change thyself

Wednesday, 07 January 2015 by

from McKinsey Quarterly-by Nate Boaz and Erica Ariel Fox: Anyone who pulls the organization in new directions must look inward as well as outward. Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist, famously wrote, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Tolstoy’s dictum is a useful starting point for any executive engaged


by John Acuff: If grit is defined as stubbornness in the face of fear, how do we actually make big decisions? Author and motivational guru John Acuff believes that every grit decision needs 5 essential things Excerpted from DO OVER: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck. Copyright (c) Jon Acuff, 2015. To