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by Dai Williams, Eos Career Services: Have you, your family or friends had any major changes in your work or personal life in the past year? Or do you plan and manage changes for your staff and organisation? If so you are likely to be well aware of the hazards and opportunities of coping with


Interview with Barnet Bain- Producer, Director, Broadcaster and ‘Creativity Doctor’ What distinguishes good, or even great, from extraordinary? What are the boundaries of human potential? These are the topics of a recent article and conversation on a popular weekly radio show called Cutting Edge Consciousness. Deborah Rozman of Heartmath, Inc. joins in to discuss how


From Fast Company: Harvard Business School professor, former Medtronic CEO, and author Bill George popularized the concept of “authentic leadership” in his 2003 best-selling book Authentic Leadership, which was developed further in his later book True North. “First you will have to understand yourself, because the hardest person you will ever have to lead is


Getting Your Written Message Across Clearly

Wednesday, 10 December 2014 by

From MindTools: A colleague has just sent you an email relating to a meeting you’re having in one hour’s time. The email is supposed to contain key information that you need to present, as part of the business case for an important project. But there’s a problem: the email is so badly written that you


Getting Your Written Message Across Clearly

Wednesday, 10 December 2014 by

From MindTools: A colleague has just sent you an email relating to a meeting you’re having in one hour’s time.The email is supposed to contain key information that you need to present, as part of the business case for an important project. But there’s a problem:the email is so badly written that you can’t find


FREE hi-res PDF of Tony’s landmark Bestseller Over 20 years ago, Anthony Robbins’ landmark bestseller Awaken the Giant Within hit shelves and a revolution began. It was a movement of Transformation — of taking immediate massive action toward your goals: of mastering your health, emotions and finances and of creating and growing the ultimate relationship.