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Managing Change and Transition
a University of Victoria analysis: Change And Transition detailed Toolkit This provides leaders with the process for managing Change and Transition in an organization, and the human side of change read the whitepaper here
- Published in Agility, Articles, Awareness, Communication, Community, Competency, Continuous Improvement, Excellence, Flexibility, Fulfillment, Leadership, Leverage Know-how, Lifelong Learning, Personal Effectiveness, Planning, Resource Management, Rethink Strategy, Risk Management, Self-Actualization, Vision
Lead At Your Best
by Joanna Barsh and Johanne Lavoie-for McKinsey Quarterly Five key, yet simple exercises that can help you recognize and start to shift, the mind-sets that limit your potential as a leader. In this article, they share 5 simple exercises adapted from their new important book, Centered Leadership. Five capabilities are at the heart of centered
Why Leadership Development Programs Fail
by Pierre Gurdjian, Thomas Halbeisen, and Kevin Lane for McKinsey Quarterly Sidestepping four common mistakes can help companies develop stronger and more capable leaders, save time and money, and boost morale We’ve talked with hundreds of chief executives about the struggle, observing both successful initiatives and ones that run into the sand. In the process,
Beyond The Brainstorming Process
by FutureThink Founder Lisa Bodell for Strategy + Business Magazine: The notion that the best ideas come from organized brainstorms is an outdated fallacy. Ask leaders how they come up with their groundbreaking ideas and you’ll hear everything from “in the shower” or “at the gym” to “looking totally outside of our industry” and “getting
What’s the Difference Between Management and Leadership?
Adapted from “The Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray. Published by Harper Business. Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves. learn more here
How to Clone Your Best Decision Makers/Harvard Business Review
from Bain and Company and the Harvard Business Review: We know from extensive research that decisions matter. Companies and individuals that make better decisions, make them faster, and implement them effectively turn in better financial performance than rivals and peers. Focused application of analytic tools can help companies make better, quicker decisions — particularly in