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Book Commentary by Shane O’Leary: Wouldn’t it be great if there was a book that condensed down mounds and mounds of research on how the best creatives ever worked? Perhaps the book could describe what amazing artists, poets, writers, musicians like Joyce, Beethoven, Hemingway, Mozart, Darwin, Twain and hundreds of other great minds did each


7-Step CBT Self Help Course

Wednesday, 03 December 2014 by

The 7-Step Program Package is free to download from as a self directed course or for a nominal fee with Personal Assistance as a Guided Self-Help package. In addition the site has many worksheets and mp3s for downloading here A note about CBT – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – and how it can help Cognitive


Psychology Tools

Monday, 01 December 2014 by

Psychology tools is a treasure trove of templates, worksheets, forms and materials shared freely under a Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0 license. This means that they are Free to use, Free to give to clients, Free to share & Not to be sold. While they are very much directed at therapists, these tools can

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MrykoThum: Best Self-Help Books

Friday, 28 November 2014 by

Some books were a great help on the path of personal growth and some were even life-changing. I personally read hundreds of self help books in the past and this is my list of 10 books I would recommend to everybody without a second thought. So here is my personal Top 10 list of the